Photo of handshake and quote: Helping organizations better define who they are, what they do, how they do it, and why anyone should care!

Branding Bytes Archives

Issue 35:
Thoughts On Using Social Media

Issue 34:
Reigning in Public-Private Partnerships

Issue 33:
Seven Ways to Avoid Toxicity In the Workplace

Issue 32:
A Few Bad Apples Bruise the Brand

Issue 31:
Branding Beyond the Logo

Issue 30:
The Yin and Yang of Celebrity Leadership

Issue 29:
Want to Raise More Funds? SPEAK UP!

Issue 28:
Government Funding Cuts: Act!

Issue 27:
"We Are Sorry":
Your Brand is Your Behavior

Issue 26:
Tell Your Story

Issue 25:
Good Leaders

Issue 24:
Think "People,"
Not "Organization"

Issue 23:
What's in a Name?
Just about Everything!

Issue 22:
Is Your Mission
Getting Creepy?

Issue 21:
Welcome to the Age
of the New Normal

Issue 20:
"Receptionist" vs Director of First Brand Impressions

Issue 19:
It's Not About How Your Message is Delivered

Issue 18:
When it Comes to Your Brand, Details Matter

Issue 17:
A Good Brand Requires TLC: Just Ask My Wife!

Issue 16:
Toxic-Work-Environment Syndrome Can Tarnish Your Brand

Issue 15:
Adjusting to the
New Face of Need

Issue 14:
Tired of all the Doom and Gloom? This is Your Time!

Issue 13:
A New Year's Resolution: Don't Cut Off Your Nose

Issue 12:
What You Do Is
About All of Us

Issue 11:
Ethical Standards
and Your Organization

Issue 10:
Leadership: Whose Journey is it, Anyway?

Issue 9:
Giving Circles
and Branding

Issue 8:
The World's Richest Men
— and Philanthropy

Issue 7:
What is an External
Brand Audit?

Issue 6:
Keeping Everyone
on Brand Message

Issue 5:
What is an Internal
Brand Audit?

Issue 4:
Turn Board Members into Better Brand Ambassadors

Issue 3:
Leadership, Vision
— and Branding

Issue 2:
What's 1st—Organization or Brand? / Govt. Cuts?—Branding Helps

Issue 1:
Branding Myths

Issue 8, Fall 2007

The World's Richest Men — and Philanthropy

Q. Why is the world's second richest man (Warren Buffet) committing more than $30 billion of his personal fortune to the philanthropic foundation of the world's first richest man (Bill Gates)?

A. Hint: It's not because Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are good friends (which they are) and often play bridge together (which they reportedly do).

The reason Buffet committed — nay, will invest — more than $30 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation over the coming years is because the Gates' are not running a nonprofit charity. They're managing a transparent, evidence-based, philanthropic organization that understands the value of operating in a business-like manner. As a result, over the years the Gates Foundation has earned a solid brand reputation for achieving and reporting results, which Buffet respects, values — and wants his philanthropic legacy to be a part of! Yet this concept still eludes many nonprofits.

When asked how they would feel about operating in a more business-like fashion, as well as incorporating branding strategies into their daily activities, many nonprofit leaders still tell me that "it would make us look too much like the for-profit sector." And my response is always the same — "Get over it!"

In no way am I suggesting that nonprofits compromise their passion for their missions or co-opt their values or program strategies to appease business-oriented donors. On the contrary, it's that very passion and focus on helping people that many of today's donors are looking for in an organization.

The fact is there is a growing number of civic-minded individuals, foundations and giving circles ( willing to invest substantial sums of money in nonprofit organizations. But because many of them amassed their wealth by working in the for-profit sector, they are primarily seeking to invest in organizations that reflect the business environment from which they came — and understand.

For nonprofits seeking to attract these major donors this means:

Being transparent

Would you invest heavily in a business you could learn little, if anything, about? Neither would savvy major donors. Subsequently, how open is your organization to public scrutiny regarding its finances, operational functions, decision-making processes and more. This kind of openness facilitates relationship building among large donors who want to support organizations they understand, respect and trust — namely those that own and consistently demonstrate a quality, transparent brand.

Being accountable

It's not enough to simply be transparent. Accountable and ethical behavior are high on the list of reasons one organization may receive funding over another. According to a reliable web-based resource (, organizations of all kinds are "increasingly being held accountable for their decisions, actions, behaviors and performance by a wide range of external and internal stakeholders," including funders.

At the very least, supporters want an accurate accounting of how their money is being spent and what impact it is making. Which leads us to...

Tracking and measuring results

Touting "we make a difference" doesn't cut it these days. Nor are today's funders satisfied with simply knowing how many people your organization served last year. What they are most interested in is what long-lasting impact your organization has had on the individuals and communities it serves.

For example, if you provided homeownership counseling to 226 people over the last several years, how many are actually in the process of purchasing a home? How many have bought homes? How many are still in the homes they bought? If you are in the business of providing adult literacy classes, how many of those who have gone through your program can now read at an 8th grade level? How many have gotten better jobs as a result of their new reading skills? What's been their average salary increase?

The more measurable results and outcomes you can document, the more business-like — and better — you look to large, serious donors.

Professionalizing your marketing and development efforts

Can you name a successful for-profit company that doesn't have a strong marketing or research development component? Yet many nonprofits forego investing in these critical functions for fear they would be short-changing their programs and services. The fact is that it is very difficult to grow programs and services if you're not actively out there raising funds or promoting your organization. Your executive director can't do it all.

If need be hire professional communicators, marketers and fund developers on an as-needed, consultancy basis. Over time, it will prove to be a worthwhile investment.

Having a web-based presence

You'd be surprised to learn how many nonprofits still don't have a website. If you're one of them, seriously consider creating a website for your organization. It's the first place many donors go to learn more about an organization they may be interested in supporting.

If you already have a website, make sure it accurately reflects your brand, is easy to navigate and is updated on a regular basis.

At the very least, you should be regularly communicating to current and prospective donors with a newsletter, preferably an electronic e-newsletter that is brief and compelling.

Actively promoting your brand

For argument's sake, let's say you're doing some, if not all, of the above. How well are you communicating this information through a solid brand image and good brand messaging? How easy is it for motivated funders to find you? Do funders you seek to attract truly understand:

If not, you need a new business plan — and better branding.

As always, I look forward to receiving your feedback, questions, success stories and branding challenges. Also, if you are in need of a motivational speaker, trainer, branding consultant/coach, or management consultant who can help you answer the questions: Who are we? What do we do? How do we do it? And should anyone care? I invite you to for more information.

In the meantime, good luck with your branding! — Larry

About Branding Bytes

Branding Bytes is a FREE quarterly e-newsletter courtesy of Larry Checco of Checco Communications. Please feel free to forward Branding Bytes on to others. However, Branding Bytes is copyrighted and may not be reprinted or reproduced without attributing Larry Checco of Checco Communications as its source and providing the following website address: Thank you.


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